
The School Administration Team consists of the Principal and other staff who manage the school classes and activities. There are also seven supporting committees to assist in daily school administration and student activities.

Principal 张立春 principal@ohiochineseschool.org
Academic Dean 于鸿远 hongyuan.yu@ohiochineseschool.org
Accounting 邱红 hong.qiu@ohiochineseschool.org
Teachers Recruitment 迟兰 lan.bloch@ohiochineseschool.org
Math Dept. Head 依凡 fanny.coble@ohiochineseschool.org
Teachers Training 蒲新安 annie.pu@ohiochineseschool.org
Facility 钟明灯 mingdeng.zhong@ohiochineseschool.org
Registration 阎恒 henry.yan@ohiochineseschool.org
Liaison 许琳 lin.xu@ohiochineseschool.org
Event Coordinator Angela Li angela.li@ohiochineseschool.org
Activity Dept Head Yongjie Miao yongjie.miao@ohiochineseschool.org